Shahed Saleem has written extensively on the mosque in Britain, and his research explores the architecture of under-represented communities. His book, ‘The British Mosque’, was commissioned and published by Historic England in 2018. He continues to write for journals and anthologies, to consult for public bodies and research organisations, and to lecture publicly.
2018 ‘The British Mosque, an architectural and social history’, Historic England
2017 ‘London Mosques’, (photo essay) in Unseen London, Hoxton Mini Press.
2016 ‘Building and Becoming; The Shahporan Mosque and the Unfolding of Muslim Visual Identity in London’, in ‘Religion and Visual Culture in London’, Eds. Reddaway, Quash, Rosen. I.B.Taurus 2016.
2013 ‘The Mosque in Britain, finding its place’, in ‘Religious architecture, anthropological perspectives’, Ed. Oskar Verkaaik, Amsterdam University Press 2012.
2020. ‘Black Females in Architecture’, RIBA Journal
2019. ‘Cambridge Central Mosque’, RIBA Journal
2014 ‘The Ismaili Centre’, 20th Century Society Building of the month feature.
2012 'A history of mosques in Britain', Architects Journal, April 2012 (19.04.12 p.36-43)
‘The British Mosque’ has been extensively and positively reviewed, it was awarded a commendation in the RIBA President’s Medals for Research, and shortlisted for the Alice Davis Hitchcock Award (Architectural History) in 2019. A selection of reviews are listed below.
The Guardian/ Observer Review - 13th March 2018
The Evening Standard Review - 15th March 2018
RIBA Journal Review - 6th April 2018
The Spectator Review - 30th June 2018
Saleem has worked extensively with Historic England and his research has informed the listing of a number of mosques in England, as reported in the national media here.
‘London Central Mosque given Grade II* listed status’, 13.03.18
’London mosques given protected heritage status’, 13.03.18
’Government gives listing protection to four British mosques’, 13.03.18
Contemporary Mosque, installation at the Victoria and Albert Museum, 2019
Shahed Saleem is currently working with museums and galleries on installation and exhibition work developing the themes that pervade his work. These are scheduled for display in 2021/2022.
March - William Morris Gallery
June - Asia House
July - The Art Workers’ Guild
November - The Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB)
February - The Architecture Foundation
March - The London Art History Society
Interview with the Stephen Lawrence Trust for Open House 2020
‘A Tale of Two Mosques’, Architecture Foundation 100 day studio, 23.08.20
‘Public Space in Complex Times’, with MUF, Architecture Foundation 100 day studio, 08.08.20
‘The mosque and the nation’, Architecture Foundation 100 day studio, 29.06.20
‘Self-built mosques; recording under-represented British heritage’, AMPS Conference on digital heritage, 19.06.20
‘Sacred architecture, mosques and Britishness’, Design Talks Podcast, 07.08.19
’British Islamic Heritage, a case study in identity’, Society of Antiquaries, 12.03.18
’New Muslim Architecture in Britain’, New Horizons, 11.07.17